Day 25 - My siblings
As much as we are different, we are the same. We all are believers - we all value family - we all know that mom & dad instilled valuable lessons and taught us to love God above all - we all enjoy steamed crabs and a good spread on the table and we all, despite our differences, love one another. I am thankful for each one of them for I have learned something different from each.
My sister Suzanne - has shown me how to work hard and teach your children how to be independent and grateful.
Davey has shown me that through deep hardships and struggles that Jesus still holds us in the palm of his hand. And that you're never to old to be a little goofy.
John has shown me how to care for and love those that can't care for themselves - adult and child alike. And that you're never to old to be a little goofy. ;)
Danny has shown me that whatever "plow" you put your hand on to work, you do it well and with all your might. And that you're never to old to be a little goofy!
And I would be amiss if I did not mention that I am also thankful for those that each one of my siblings is married to. They do not complete them, for they are complete in Christ, but they do compliment them. Strong to gentle - a little more vocal to quiet - outspoken to reserved and so on. And don't try and figure out whose qualities the above refer to...I just wanted to keep my siblings guessing. (if any of them read this. ;) ) I don't consider my in-laws my in-laws. I love them like my brother and sisters. :)
And for all those umpteen nieces and nephews they produced - I am thankful. There are a bunch of them and each one as different and unique as their folks. They are fun, bright, smart, determined and I love them oodles!!!
Day 26 - My folks
Well I could write pages and pages about how thankful I am for my parents. The list is extensive so I will try to summarize. I learned how to be thankful by watching thankfulness expressed by my parents.
For my parents I thankful for:
- showing me what sacrifice should look like
- their support and steadfast love
- teaching me how to adjust to change well
- how they regard people not according to the worlds standards but by God's standard
- showing me how to love the "unlovables"
- teaching me that doing "hard" things is doable only by God's grace
- them sending me money...hey it's a reality!
- their constant encouragement and prayers
- how they love my husband and children well
- how they love God above all - in word and in deed!
And I could go on. They brought me into the world - the baby of five - and have loved me well for 41 years. Now, unlike my siblings, I know that my mama & daddy read this so I simply say this to you both.
I am thankful for you mom and dad. For all those things I listed above and for many more that oftentimes go unspoken. I am proud to be called your daughter and I pray that you are proud of the woman I am, due in large part to your guidance and prayers. But if I have learned one thing from you it is this, that you are who you are by the power of Jesus Christ! So I praise the God of my father and mother, my God! Thank you for living out...“Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise."
Day 27 - My sweet little ones
Once again words cannot begin to express my thankfulness for these two little lives. They invaded our hearts and since January 2008 we have never been the same. They are energy, joy, love and laughter! I love their sweet faces and their sweet smiles. They are loud, can make me so frustrated at times, and melt my heart, all in the same day. I love these two and for them I am beyond grateful to Father for gifting me with these tiny treasures.
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