Thursday, February 9, 2012

On the Move

OK, so I know I just threw it out there a few posts ago that we were moving and didn't bother explaining where and why so, for those of you who are just hanging onto the edge of your seat I will nutshell it for you

Where:  Near the coast of Virginia (I rarely give specifics on this blog just because I'm funny like that)

Why:  God saw fit to give my husband a unique opportunity to take on a teaching role at another church.

How's that for a nutshell?!  There are many, many and many more details that led up to this move but alas my home won't pack itself and we head out on Sat. so that will have to wait until a future post.  Suffice to say, like so many all the time in my circumstances God was at work long before I knew anything was going to take place.  He works out details, deadlines, doubts and destinies.  He is a good God and even though we imagined ourselves in this place for longer than our 3 yrs. here we trust Him.  We trust Him because He is trustworthy! That's all I got and that's all I need.  So we move on with all those emotions that change brings with it.  We rest and hope in God and not in our plans.  We rest, knowing He directs our steps.
Bring on the change ~ I serve a God who is UNCHANGING so when everything around me is boxed up and moving out I cling to HIM!  I look forward to writing my next post from our new home, it may take awhile because well, alas my home won't unpack itself either! 

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