Saturday, March 10, 2012

Letting the Dew go

I have committed myself to run a 5k. Bam, there it is, in writing.  No going back now.  That may not seem like a big deal except for the fact that I.AM.NOT.A.RUNNER.  I have run in place on the treadmill for maybe 30 min. in one stretch and have run around the playground playing pirates with my little girl but actually on the road, heart racing, legs burning running, nope - haven't done it in years.  So why you ask am I starting now?  Because I've always wanted to like running.  I just have never run because I don't like it.  Funny I know.  And I turn the big 4-0 this year so I wanted to train to accomplish something and then finish, legs burning and all.  So I'm forcing myself to do something that is waaaaaay out of my comfort zone.  That means I've got to get into better shape, and that means for me controlling what I eat and just making myself get out there and run.
  Along with controlling my food I've chosen to give up my large intake of - hold on a min. I've got to wipe away some tears- DIET MT. DEW.  And even though it is still a "diet" drink it just is a bunch of, empty, not really good for you, stuff and I drink way too many of those and not enough water. So today I drank my last one, for awhile at least.  It was a little sad and I had a little moment, me and the Dew.  My husband said I would probably go into withdrawal tomorrow - he is probably right! 
The race is in May.  My friend Laura ( the one who roped cleverly convinced me to run) is going to help me build up to 3 miles and who knows maybe we will be running a 1/2 marathon in the near future. Miracles do happen.
 There she is...the last one.  Farewell for now my good friend, farewell.  

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