Saturday, November 2, 2013

30 Days of Thankful - Day 2

Ok, so yesterday I said that some of my "thankfuls" will be small and insignificant compared to those BIG "thankfuls" that often first come to mind when we are asked, "what are you thankful for?" And yesterday I started my 30 day challenge with being thankful for the smell of an Autumn candle - pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of life but yet it makes me happy so for that candle I am thankful.  All that say that today I am thankful for a BIG and very meaningful relationship in my life.  Today my friend Laura, whose blog you can read here, celebrates a birthday!  I thought it fitting to direct my thankfulness in her direction today.
We met in 2010 but it feels like we have been friends forever.  She loves Jesus, loves her children and husband and strives to love them well.  She is organized, a hard worker and a constant encouragement to me.  She is beautiful and pursues godliness in her home and in all her relationships which makes her even more lovely.  We have laughed so hard at times that my belly hurt.  We have prayed together. We have shared hurts and pain together.  She bears with me.  She forgives me.  She is a true friend.
I'd say she is well worth my thankful heart.

 Happy Birthday dear friend, my salad buddy & the mother of my children's bestest bestest friends!  I love you and am thankful for the journey we have walked together so far.  And here is a quote just for your bday from a lady for which I know you are thankful ;)   Thanks for being a "different kind of woman".

“The fact that I am a woman does not make me a different kind of christian, but the fact that I am a christian does make me a different kind of woman.” 

1 comment:

  1. No bauble on earth can trump the treasure found here. May God continue to bless you guys with a deep and abiding friendship founded on your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

